Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures

By Ed Wilson

ISBN 978-0923907044

This book represents more than four decades of research and teaching experience and describes in a physical and practical manner many of the techniques used in the software products developed by Computers and Structures, Inc. It provides the background an engineer needs to successfully utilize these programs. In the author’s own words, “the major purpose of this book is to present the essential theoretical background so that the users of computer programs for structural analysis can understand the basic approximations used with the program, verify the results of all analyses and assume professional responsibility for the results.” At over 400 pages, this hardcover book beautifully illuminates topics important to the practicing engineer doing computer analysis, covering subjects such as Equilibrium and Compatibility, Isoparametric Finite Elements, Shell Elements, Boundary Conditions, Dynamic Analysis, Linear Viscous Damping, Fast Nonlinear Analysis and Seismic Analysis using Displacement Loadings, and many others. With its concise explanatory style, numerous illustrations, and physical approach to explaining underlying mathematical formulations, this book will be a valued addition to the library of any engineer.

List price: $150


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