22.5.0 | 22.5.1

Released 24-Feb-2025

Release Notes

Structural Model


An enhancement has been implemented to allow the definition of Elasto-Plastic nonlinear behavior for the area spring property without the need to define a link property to specify this behavior.

Steel Design


Steel frame design according to CSA S16:2024 is now available.

Composite Beam Design


Composite beam design according to CSA S16:2024 is now available.


Composite column design according to CSA S16:2024 is now available.



Auto seismic loading and response spectrum function according to AS 1170.4-2024 has been added.


An enhancement was made to the NBCC 2020 response spectrum function to add smaller time-steps for computing the intermediate acceleration based on Log-Log Interpolation as specified in Section A. of the NBCC 2020 code.

User Interface


An enhancement was made to position forms with respect to the main application window for single and multiple screens. Floating windows are loaded at their previous location on any screen.


Released 23-Dec-2024

Release Notes



Greater control over link-elements in models with large displacements has been added. This new behavior applies to nonlinear static, direct-integration, and staged-construction load cases where the geometric nonlinearity parameter has been set to P-Delta plus Large Displacements.

Steel Design


ETABS can now design composite beams with large web openings per the provisions of SCI Publication 355 and of Eurocode 3 - Design of Steel Structures - Part 1-13. This includes beams with a regular I-section and discrete openings as well as castellated and cellular beams.

Shear Wall Design


ACI 318-19 slenderness checks for wall buckling in the out-of-plane direction are now performed for walls in a single plane (i.e. 2D pier) for uniform and general reinforcing options.

ACI 318-19 shear wall design now considers the Seismic Design Category (SDC) when determining whether a wall shear capacity check is required.

Output and Display


Eurocode 2 shear wall design, pier output has been improved to include additional design parameters such as amplified shear (Vu,amplified) for seismic piers, pier shear capacity (Vrd) and pier maximum allowable shear (Vrdc,max).

Concrete Design


ACI 318-19 and AS 3600-2018 concrete frame design output has been enhanced with additional parameters now reported for column slenderness design. For ACI 318-19 code, these parameters are beta_dns, (EI)eff and Pc. For AS 3600-2018 code, these parameters are beta_d, φ*Mub and Pc.



The CSI Analysis Reference Manual has been updated to include content for minor existing features that were previously only described in the Help, as well as for style and improved ability to search within the PDF file.

Application Programming Interface (API)


New API functions have been added to allow export and import of the model text file (.e2k) or the database tables to Excel, Access, Text, or XML file.

22.2.0 | 22.3.0

Released 18-Oct-2024

Release Notes



The following two types of frequency domain analysis have been added into ETABS:

  • Steady State analysis may be used in lieu of the more computationally intensive Time-History, often for cases where the initial ramp up or cool down periods are not considered important.
  • Power Spectral Density analysis is a method to perform a probabilistic evaluation of random vibrations across a frequency range.

Structural Model


A new link property was added to represent the Sumitomo Viscoelastic Damper produced by Sumitomo Rubber Industries.


The definition of point spring properties has been enhanced / simplified so that simple, nonlinear properties can be specified without having to first define a link.

Composite Beam Design


Composite Beam Design codes have been added for the Indian IS 11384:2022 and the Chinese GB50017 codes.

User Interface


Rebar detailing information for concrete columns and beams can now be accessed from the object right click form when detailing results are available.


The rebar detailing editor for strip rebar can now be accessed from the design strip right click form when slab detailing results are available.


An enhancement was made to display frame local axes color in the section definition form and local axes numbers in the model assignment display.

Output and Display


Frame force/moment diagrams can now be displayed with colored contours.

22.0.0 | 22.1.0

Released 13-Jul-2024

Release Notes



Learn more about the latest enhancements in ETABS v22.0.0.



Serviceability assessment of steel-framed floor systems subjected to walking vibrations according to AISC Design Guide 11, Chapter 7 has been added.

Structural Model


An enhancement was made to add the capability for automatic generation of frame nonlinear hinges based on recommendations in ASCE 41-23. This includes:
  1. 1. Steel beam, column, and brace hinges using the reference standard AISC 342-22 as specified in ASCE 41-23 Chapter 9.
  2. 2. Concrete beam, column, shear wall, and coupling beam hinges using the reference standard ACI 369.1-22 as specified in ASCE 41-23 Chapter 10.


Conversion of curved concrete beams to shell slabs is now available. Previously, only straight beams could be converted.



Response spectrum function for Kyrgyztan "SNiP KR 20-02:2018" has been added.


Auto wind load has been added for the Vietnamese code TCVN 2737:2023.

Steel Design


The AISC 360-22 design code has been added for steel frame design (including AISC 341-22 Seismic Provisions), composite beam design, composite columns design, and steel connection design.


Composite column design per CSA S16-19 design code has been added.


Steel joist design has been enhanced with the following new features:
  1. 1. New joist design code SJI 100-2020 has been added.
  2. 2. A new type of steel joist section has been added, "Custom Joist Section", whose definition includes component section data.
  3. 3. A detailed calculation report has been implemented.

Concrete Design


An enhancement was made to add joint-shear design for ACI 318-19 concrete frame design. Joint shear is now performed for:
  1. 1. Ordinary moment frames (OMF) in Seismic Design Category (SDC) B, using the nominal flexural strength of the beams.
  2. 2. Intermediate moment frames (IMF), using the nominal flexural strength of the beams.
  3. 3. Special moment frame (SMF), using the probable flexural strength of the beams.


An enhancement has been added for Special Structural concrete shear walls per ACI 318-19. The design is now done using the amplified factored shear force, Ve = Omega_v * w_v * Vu < 3.0 * Vu) per section This check for Special Structural Walls was not present in earlier versions.

Determination of shear demand for walls with hw / ℓw ≥ 2.0 [Taken from ACI 318-19(22), Fig. R18.10.3.1]


An enhancement has been made to the ACI 318-19 concrete frame design code so that it now considers the interaction of major- and minor-direction shear forces in a column per sections and

Design Results


An enhancement has been made to speed up joist design by using parallel processing.


Steel joist design per the SJI 2010 code has been enhanced so that the design calculations can now be exported to reports and tables.

Material Libraries & Databases


A new material library has been added for United States materials per the ASTM A1085/1085M specifications.


New frame section libraries have been added conforming to AISC Shapes Database v16.0.



Auto wind-load calculations for AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 and 2021 loading codes have been added to the project report.

Application Programming Interface (API)


The ETABS API has been updated to support .NET 8.


Released 30-Nov-2023

Release Notes



Learn more about the latest enhancements in ETABS v21.2.0.



Steel connection design is now available per the AISC 360-16 and AISC 360-10 codes. This includes Beam-Beam, Beam-Column, Column-Footing, welded, and bolted connections.


An enhancement has been made to the Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design to update the design according to Corrigendum 2 released in 2009.



The TSC-2018 response-spectrum function has been enhanced to allow specification of the R, D and I parameters.

The auto-seismic load pattern and response-spectrum function were added for the Malaysian National Annex of Eurocode 8-2004.

Structural Model


The frame hinge assignment feature has been enhanced with four new preset hinge assignment distribution types:

  1. 1. Beam Column, which adds a moment or PMM hinge at the ends of the frame object.
  2. 2. Distributed Plasticity, which adds hinges along the length of the frame object based on a specified integration rule.
  3. 3. Equal Spacing, which adds hinges at a fixed spacing along the length of the frame object.
  4. 4. Continuous Support, which adds one hinge at the center of every frame element associated with the selected frame object.



An enhancement has been made to allow the “Number of (Internal) Threads for Analysis" setting to also control number of threads that can be used by the Multi-threaded Solver. This creates less competition for resources and can speed up analysis.


An enhancement has been made to speed up direct-integration time-history load cases with additional modal damping specified for a large number of modes. For building structures, the higher-frequency modes typically respond statically to seismic and wind loading, and stiffness proportional damping is more efficient for the damping at high frequencies.

Output and Display


The option to disable saving of individual fiber results for Fiber P-M2-M3 frame hinges is now available. This can significantly reduce disk storage when individual fiber stress-strain results are not needed. Detailed hinge results will still be available, including the state and status of the hinge obtained from the fiber results.

Database Tables


The following "Analysis Results" database tables have been parallelized for increased speed during display or export: "Joint Displacements, "Joint Displacements - Absolute", “Joint Drifts", "Pier Forces", "Pier Force Status", "Spandrel Forces, and "Spandrel Force Status". In addition, individual table progress will now be displayed in the status bar while filling any of the “Analysis Results” tables for display/export. The progress bar is effective for tables that take significant time to display/export.

Import and Export


Enhancement added for exporting Non-Linear links from ETABS to Perform3D. Following links types are handled:

  1. 1. ETABS Damper - Exponential > Perform3D Fluid Damper
  2. 2. ETABS Gap > Perform3D Nonlinear Elastic Gap-Hook Bar
  3. 3. ETABS Hook > Perform3D Nonlinear Elastic Gap-Hook Bar
  4. 4. ETABS Rubber Isolator > Perform3D Seismic Isolator, Rubber Type
  5. 5. ETABS Friction Isolator > Perform3D Seismic Isolator, Friction Pendulum


ETABS models exported to Perform3D now include shell uniform loads in the global coordinate system. These loads will be exported to Perform3D as lumped nodal loads on the nodes which form the shell elements.


For ETABS models exported to Perform3D, frame objects that are assigned a Pier or Spandrel label will be exported to Perform3D in separate element groups based on their Pier or Spandrel label names.


ETABS models exported to Perform3D now include Line and Quad gauge elements. Translational type line gauges in ETABS will be exported as Perform3D Axial Strain Gage (2-node) components. Rotational type line gauges in ETABS will be exported as Perform3D Rotational Gage, Beam Type (2-node) components. Shear type quad gauges in ETABS will be exported as Perform3D Shear Strain Gage (4-node) components. Rotation type quad gauges in ETABS will be exported as Perform3D Rotation Gage, Wall Type (4-node) components.

Cloud Sign-in Licensing


Cloud Sign-in licensing is now available

  1. • Access CSI software using secure user credentials — no more activation keys
  2. • Access licenses anywhere with internet access
  3. • Option to create License Groups to manage who has access to your licenses
  4. • Option to remotely terminate an active license session
  5. • Option to federate your identity provider (IdP), allowing users to use their familiar company credentials instead

Cloud Sign-in Licensing Details


Released 14-Aug-2023

Release Notes



Several enhancements have been made to the handling of time-history and response-spectrum functions:
  • ∙ The processing of large function files, such as wind records, has been made more efficient for speed and storage.
  • ∙ Functions can be added or modified after the analysis is run and the model is locked.
  • ∙ More control has been given to locating function files on the local computer or network.



Parallelized design and response-recovery have been made more efficient for speed, memory usage, and disk IO for large analysis models and/or models with many long time-history functions, such as wind records. Parallelized response recovery affects certain larger output tables and time-consuming graphical displays.



Crack-width (serviceability) design of concrete members has been added according to Eurocode 2-2004 and Italian NTC 2008 codes. This feature is available for beam (M3) design and for the design or check of column reinforcement. Crack width, concrete stress, and steel stresses are calculated and compared against the limits imposed by the Eurocode 2-2004.



An enhancement was made to show PT tendon vertical profiles in slabs and beams in Detailing drawings. Previously the PT profiles were shown in the on-screen Detailing, but not in the drawing sheets produced for printing and/or export.

21.0.0 | 21.0.1

Released 11-May-2023

Release Notes



Detailing of concrete and steel structures, as well as the production and management of schematic design drawings, is now available from a new Detailing menu inside ETABS. It can now handle multiple towers as well.


Detailed reinforcement from beams, slabs, column stacks, and wall stacks can now be exported from ETABS to Autodesk® Revit® through the CSiXRevitTM 2023 plugin to Revit 2023.

Structural Model


Tributary PT tendons are now accounted for in finite element-based design of slabs and cracked-slab deflection analysis (short- and long-term).



Auto-wind load, auto-seismic load, and response-spectrum function based on NBCC 2020 have been added.


Auto-wind load, auto-seismic load, and response-spectrum function based on ASCE 7-22 have been added.


Loads assigned to null lines and null areas applied in any local or global direction are now transferred to the underlying structural floors. In earlier versions only loads in the gravity direction were transferred.



AS 4100:2020 steel frame design has been added.


Eurocode 4-2004 composite column design has been added.

Output and Display


Cracked-section modifiers for beam and floor objects are now included in the database tables.


Nonlinear shear-material state and status output for general wall hinges is now available in the database tables, deformed shape display, and performance-check output.

Database Tables


Performance-check definitions can now be edited when the model is locked and selected for associated tabular output.

Application Programming Interface (API)


Support for .NET 6 has been added including a help topic in the "Key Concepts" folder.


Released 1-Jul-2022

Release Notes

Structural Model


The "Specified Rebar Layout" rebar option for wall hinges now allows the option of assigning the rebar in a Pier orientation or a Spandrel orientation.


The exponential and bilinear viscous-damper link properties have been enhanced to add a Fixed Length Damper option for the axial degree of freedom. When enabled, this allows a fixed-length damping device to be modeled together with variable-length extenders that are automatically determined from the length of the drawn link objects. For analysis, the extender is effectively a linear spring that is in series with the damper.


A built-in material library has been added for Canada with steel materials per the CSA G40.20-13/G40.21-13 standard, concrete materials per the CSA A23.3 standard, and rebar materials per the CSA G30.18:21 standard.



An enhancement has been made to speed up generation of the analysis model for models with nonlinear staged-construction load cases and many area objects using line constraints.



The concrete code “CSA A23.3-19” has been added for reinforced-concrete and post-tensioned slab design.


Reinforced-concrete and post-tensioned slab design have been updated for the NZS 3101-06 code to accommodate Amendments 1 to 3.


A new concrete slab design preference is available for the "ACI 318-19" code to optionally set the depth-dependent shear-strength reduction factor, Lambda_s, to 1.0 for mats and footings per ACI 318-19



An enhancement was made so temperature loads on overlapping area objects will be applied additively. Previously, temperature loads assigned to the slab would not affect overlapping drop panel objects.

Output and Display


Integrated wall reactions are now available for graphical display and in a new database table.

Application Programming Interface (API)


The Application Programming Interface (API) has been enhanced with the addition of functions to get and set:
  • • Parameters for the Italian NTC 2018 response-spectrum function.
  • • Design preferences and design overwrites for steel frame code CSA-S16-19.
  • • Parameters for eigen and Ritz load cases.


The following enhancements have been made to the Application Programming Interface (API):

  • • The client can attach to any running instance of ETABS given its process ID.
  • • A new command "Set as active instance for API" has been added to the Tools menu.
  • • A new interface cPluginContract has been added to simplify plugin development.
  • • Speed has been improved for external .NET clients that call the API by chaining properties and methods in deeply nested loops.


Released 31-Mar-2022

Release Notes

Structural Model


A new general shear wall hinge has been added, which consists of a pair of orthogonal P-M3 or Fiber P-M3 hinges, plus a linear or nonlinear shear material. These features allow the hinge to be used for modeling spandrels as well as piers, and to handle more complex wall geometries, such as near openings or geometry transitions. General shear wall hinges can be used for nonlinear static, staged-construction, and direct-integration time-history analyses.


The age of concrete at which loading is applied can now be specified for long-term cracked-section analysis. Previously, the age at loading was assumed to be 7 days.


20.1.0_ETA_CSA A23.3_concrete_design

The CSA A23.3-19 code has been added for concrete frame design.

The CSA S16-19 code has been added for steel frame design.

The CSA S16-19 code has been added for composite beam design.

Data Files


The handling of time history functions defined in external data files with many data points has been significantly enhanced for speed.


New section-property database files have been added for steel sections produced by Indian manufacturers TATA, Jindal Steel Ltd. and APL Apollo Ltd.